All The Bay Area Articles

Bay Area Housing Finance Authority

On Monday, June 24, the LWVBA board voted unanimously to support the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) affordable housing bond measure that will appear on your November ballot in the nine counties of the Bay Area.

Bay Area Monitor Notes

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Bay Area Housing Finance Authority Event

In 2019 the California legislature established the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) via AB 1487. BAHFA has regional revenue generating authority that enables it to work collaboratively with all Bay Area jurisdictions.

Thank you to KGO, ABC7 for covering our amazing "fun"draiser Saturday night at the LWV California Biennial Convention.  What an amazing time! 

Bay Area League Day 2023

Watch Equity In The Bay –  Bay Area League Day 2023

 Recorded March 4, 2023.

Women Holding Sign Bans Off Our Bodies

The League of Women Voters of the United States president Dr. Deborah Turner and CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued a joint statement in response to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

side of Bay Area Rapid Transit car

This report on the BART Oversight Committee was submitted by one of the two LWV Bay Area representatives on the Committee.

Poster on pole: do you want a future of decency equality and real social justice

League Day 2021 continued the League's exploration of improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the League and in our communities. Click through for the resource materials from this event.