Past Events For California + Diablo Valley + South San Mateo County + Southwest Santa Clara Valley + Solano County + Santa Clara County + The Bay Area

Event Date: 
09/13/2018 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley Office

This is our regular monthly meeting of the LWV Diablo Valley Board.

Clip and Come
Event Date: 
09/13/2018 - 12:00pm to 09/14/2018 - 11:45am
Event location: 

Home of Pat White - see directory for address.

Discuss current news events over a potluck lunch.  Bring an article and a dish to share with the group.  

RSVP to patwh.athome [at]

Event Date: 
09/08/2018 - 10:00am to 09/09/2018 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy meeting for Board members and other League members with specific issues they are following.

Diverse group of men and women doing voter registration at BART
Event Date: 
09/06/2018 - 6:00pm to 09/07/2018 - 7:45pm
Event location: 

Concord Public Library

Our September 6 meeting will be at the Concord Library from 6 pm to 8 pm. Light snacks, voter registration training, overview of and Pros and Cons presentations. Bring your calendar, to sign up for volunteer opportunities!

LWV Strategic Planning Retreat
Event Date: 
09/05/2018 - 10:00am to 09/06/2018 - 9:45am
Event location: 

Saratoga Fire Station

All members and the public are welcome to attend.

Event Date: 
08/04/2018 - 10:00am to 08/05/2018 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy meeting for Board members and other League members with specific issues they are following.

LWV Strategic Planning Retreat
Event Date: 
08/01/2018 - 10:00am to 08/02/2018 - 9:45am
Event location: 

Saratoga Fire Station

All members and the public are welcome to attend.

generic meeting room with tables, chairs, easel
Event Date: 
07/21/2018 - 10:30am to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Conference Room, Supervisor Andersen's office

You are invited!  TEAM BUILDING FUN.  Transitional Board Retreat.  Your ideas are essential to meeting the challenges of modernizing and expanding our LWVDV outreach. 

League members at local rally
Event Date: 
07/14/2018 - 10:00am to 07/15/2018 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy meeting for Board members and other League members with specific issues they are following.

Event Date: 
06/20/2018 - 10:30am
Event location: 

Home of Hana Itani - check member directory for address

An introductory meeting between the old Board of LWVSWSCV and the new Board of LWVSWSCV.  

This is a potluck social event where the old Board members will be supplying the food.


Past Events Co-Hosted By The Bay Area + Diablo Valley + Santa Clara County + Solano County + South San Mateo County + Southwest Santa Clara Valley + California

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