
Join this LWV Bay Area Community Conversation
Engaging Youth to Register to Vote, a webinar and lively discussion.
Thursday, September 15th
11 am – 12 Noon
Leagues are stuck in the simple and sometimes effective mode of tabling at schools and entering classrooms to register students to vote. We have not done enough to emphasize the "engage" portion of our mission. Too often we think that these old methods are enough when they are not.Four Leagues from around the Bay gather via Zoom to discuss how their outreach to youth voters has changed and how they encourage them to register or pre-register to vote and become engaged in the process.
The Leagues of Palo Alto; Oakland and Fremont, Newark, Union City present a variety of methods deployed to engage high school students in our democratic process. These innovative ideas range from:
- Having students focus on a single topic like climate change and asking them to make a video reflecting how their vote could make a difference.
- Reaching out to private and parochial schools to register students.
- Creating a music/rap video on why students should vote.
- Working to pass a local measure so that 16- and 17-year-old students could vote for school board members.
Each of the presentations is unique. Each is successful in a different way.
Our presenters are:
- Peter Pham, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action Board Member and College Student
- Liz Jensen, Palo Alto League
- Carmen Murray & Patricia Arabia Oakland League
- Julie Dunkle, Fremont, Newark, Union City
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
For more information contact Alex Starr, lwvbaquestions [at] gmail.com.