The last statewide election was the November 5, 2024 General Election
- Easy Voter Guide - Our Easy Voter Guide helps the election make sense. English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese language versions are currently available at easyvoterguide.org.
Pros & Cons on the Ballot Measures - or view them online
Pros y Contras (Pros & Cons in Spanish)
- Pros & Cons Slide Deck (to download for your use)
In Depths - Supplemental Analysis of the State Propositions
- Ballot Measure Advocacy - Vote with the League
- Visit LWVCEF for voting and election info
- LWVC Policy on Empty Chair Debates/Forums
Resources for Voter Services
Pros & Cons
Writing Pros & Cons Training Webinar
We held a webinar on June 21, 2024, to train League members on writing Pros & Cons. You can access materials from this webinar below:
Candidate Forums
Information & materials for conducting candidate forums
- LWVC Policy on Empty Chair Debates/Forums
- Watch our Virtual Candidate Forum Webinar (1/14/2021)
Virtual Candidate Forum: Summary of Things to Consider, Options, Suggestions and Resources
Virtual Candidate Forum: Sample Candidate Communications
Virtual Candidate Forum Webinar: PowerPoint
Virtual Candidate Forum Webinar: Follow-Up Questions, Answers, and Additional Handouts
- Voter Service Handbook (2018)
- Candidate Participation Policy - How to use the LWVCEF Candidate Participation Policy for Statewide Debates or Forums
- Guidelines for co-sponsorship of candidate forums
- Guidelines to writing unbiased questions
- Recommendations in considering different format options for multi-candidate forums
- Civil Discourse in Candidate Forums
- Candidate Forum Guidelines (.doc)
- Checklist for Day of Forum (.doc)
- Checklist for Moderators (.doc)
- Candidate Forum Step-Grid 6 candidates
- Candidate Forum Blank Grid
- Sample Letters to Candidates (.docx)
- Sample Intro of Moderator (.docx)
- Tips on Moderating Candidate Forums (webinar 12/19)
- Sample Moderator Training from LWV Oakland, added 2020
Ballot Measure Presentations
Speaker tips and other information on how to present ballot measures
- How to Evaluate Ballot Propositions (.doc)
- Sample Presentation Script (.doc)
- Speaker Tips (.doc)
- LWV Santa Clara Moderator Training (February 2014) (on YouTube)
- Write Local Pros & Cons