If you are concerned about conditions at the County Jail, please plan to attend or Zoom into the next (and probably last), meeting of the Monterey Sheriff’s Oversight Ad Hoc Committee
The League of Women Voters of Monterey County will present a free talk titled: "Restorative Justice: What It Is and How It Works in Monterey County"at an in-person "Lunch and Learn" Meeting on Wedne
The League of Women Voters of Monterey County will hold its annual membership meeting on Wednesday, May 10th. We'll meet in person at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 490 Aguajito Road, Carmel CA 93923.
The League of Women Voters of Monterey County will present a free talk entitled:"Supervisor Glenn Church: My First One Hundred Days" at a live-streamed gene
The League of Women Voters of Monterey County will present a free talk titled: "Examining the Supreme Court: Local Implications of Recent Rulings" at an in-person "Lunch and Learn" meeting at noon on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.