Results of LWV Campaign Finance Study in 2006
The LWVMC developed a Model Campaign Finance Ordnance after an 18 month study and adopted in 2006. The study group studied local campaign finance laws from all over California and this is model is one of the strongest. The study group also consulted with Bob Stern, of the Fair Political Practices Commission. He is a great resource on campaign finance laws.
(Stern + a former attorney for the Assembly Elections Committee and then for the Secretary of State's office + was the principal co-author of California's Political Reform Act of 1974 (updated in 2015) and became the first general counsel of the Fair Political Practices Commission. He also was a principal drafter of Los Angeles' ethics and public campaign finance laws in 1990.)
(Stern + a former attorney for the Assembly Elections Committee and then for the Secretary of State's office + was the principal co-author of California's Political Reform Act of 1974 (updated in 2015) and became the first general counsel of the Fair Political Practices Commission. He also was a principal drafter of Los Angeles' ethics and public campaign finance laws in 1990.)