10:00 Registration (coffee and light refreshments)
10:10 Welcome, Call to Order, Quorum Count
10:11 Adoption of Agenda and Rules
10:12 2017 Annual Minutes
10:15 Presentation/Discussion of 2018-2019 Budget
and Report of Budget Account Balance.
Adoption of Budget for LWV Monterey County
10:30 Presentation of Program
Retain/Modify Current Local Positions (No Changes Proposed)
No New Studies Recommended by the Board
10:40 Report of Nominating Committee
Nominations from the Floor
Introduction of Nominees
Election of Officers, Directors and Nominating Committee
10:50 President’s Acceptance
Direction to the New Board
Introduction of Delegates to National Convention
Directions to Delegates
11:00 Guest Speakers – Sharon E. Kimball and Carol Courcey, LWV San Luis Obispo
“Civility and Civil Discourse” A two-hour workshop on acquiring a mindset, tools, and resources that can proactively contribute to a civil environment; trusting prior experience in dealing with incivility; expand choices and tools when experiencing incivility; and developing increased understanding of others' needs and approaches to incivility.
1:00 Adjournment