Our Polarized Politics, Discussion Presented by The League of Women Voters

Our Polarized Politics, Discussion Presented by The League of Women Voters

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 11:30am
The League of Women Voters of Monterey County will present a free talk titled: "Our Polarized Politics" at an in-person "Lunch and Learn" Meeting at noon on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
Many Americans, including journalists and scholars, have bemoaned our descent into highly divisive, acrimonious politics. It seems that polarization has become the defining characteristic of our times.But what exactly is polarization and is that an apt term for the current state of American politics? If so, what are the characteristics of our polarization, and might we find a way out?
Political scientist Steven W. Hughes will examine our current political climate to assess the extent and nature of contemporary political polarization.  As of this writing we do not know the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election. Whatever that outcome, Steve will factor it into this discussion.

Steven W. Hughes, Ph.D., is Emeritus Professor of Politics and Public Administration at CSU Stanislaus. At CSUS, he headed the Program in International and Multicultural Education, the Center for Public Policy Studies, and was also Speaker of the Faculty.

Hughes is a popular distinguished expert and local speaker at OLLI (the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at California State Monterey Bay, a learning community of adults age 50+.
The "Lunch and Learn" Meeting will be held at at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 490 Aguajito Road Carmel CA 93923 Registration at 11:30 Lunch is at 12:00 and Program at 12:30

Lunch costs $25 per person and payment is at the door by cash or check. Lunch includes grilled salmon, rice, Greek salad, hummus, pita bread and baklava for dessert. Catering by Chef Faris Nimry, International Cuisine of Pacific Grove.

Reservations for lunch are required! Contact Beverly Bean at beverlygb [at] gmail.com or 831-236-1611 to make a reservation before Monday November 11, 2024.

This talk will be recorded and posted on the LWVMC website (under Videos): lwvmryco.org