Scan your social media feeds and you will see many questions and concerns about the Election and voting in general. We asked Nevada County Registrar of Voters Natalie Adona to answer some top issues we noticed on a NextDoor feed
Issue: Concern about a printer's error on some Nevada County ballots. "Maybe it’s best to go VOTE in person this year???"
Adona: Voters can vote in any manner that makes them feel comfortable. We’re happy to receive voter’s ballots via mail, using a drop box, or by voters voting in person. While this ink overspray is creating extra processing steps for our office, we’re confident that all legally cast ballots will be counted.
Issue: Confusion about how ballots (signatures) are verified
Adona: We compare signatures on the vote-by-mail identification envelope with the signature on the affidavit of registration. Our team is trained in signature verification and we use signature verification software to help verify all signatures. We contact the voter when their signature is missing or does not compare. They have until December 1 to cure the problem.
Issue: Why a deceased person and someone who has moved out of state and re-registered got ballots.
Adona: Mailing lists are provided to our mail and print vendors several weeks prior to the first mailing. Sometimes voters die between the time we sent out a list of active voters and the time voters get their ballots. The same applies to voters who move. We’re thankful to voters and their families for helping keep our list updated.
Issue: Why someone didn't get his ballot until Oct. 25
Adona: Voters may call our office for specific questions about their ballots.
Issue: Fear about Russian/Chinese election interference.
Adona: There’s no evidence of interference with the elections process. Each of these countries, however, along with Iran, are actively using social media to sow distrust in our fellow Americans. Here’s one of many statements on this topic released by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/joint-odni-fbi-and-cisa-statement.
They do this by creating false information that is designed to trigger strong emotions, including using artificial intelligence to create a narrative beneficial to their ends. The best thing you can do to combat the problem is call our office for factual information.
Issue: To the issue of a printer's error on some Nevada County ballotsa: Why weren't ballots tested and printer error discovered before they were mailed?
Adona: Ahead of every election, we perform Logic and Accuracy Testing on all voting equipment. This election, the equipment passed Logic and Accuracy Testing.