Lunch with League, April 2023 Report

Lunch with League, April 2023 Report

Photo of Norberto Santana, Voice of OC

Lunch with League resumes! 

On April 19, Coast hosted its first in-person Lunch with League, after three long pandemic-delayed years.  Over 50 members and guests gathered at the Back Bay Conference Center in Irvine to reunite with old friends, to meet new ones, and to hear inspiring remarks from our distinguished speaker Norberto Santana Jr, publisher and editor-in-chief of the digital newsroom Voice of OC.  Santana emphasized the invaluable role of civic society, including groups like the League of Women Voters, in moving public policy forward in a responsible way.

Look for upcoming announcements of future Lunch with League events, scheduled for June 21, August 16, and October 18.  Look for our updates…

By: Kathleen Mongomery
Speaker Host for April 19 LwL

   VOC Mention of Coast Event

League to which this content belongs: 
Orange Coast