Coast Resumes “Lunch with League” in April
In addition to our new “Saturdays in the Park” for Coast members, we are resuming our popular “Lunch with League” (LwL) on Wednesday, April 19th, 2023. We plan to hold LwL on an alternating basis, every other month through the end of the year (April, June, August, October). Our first speaker is the exciting “Voice of OC” publisher and editor-in-chief Norberto Santana, Jr.
When: Third Wednesday of the months of April, June, August and October of 2023
Where: The centrally located “Back Bay Conference Center” in Irvine
What: Choice of two buffet lunches will be offered.
Cost: $25 per person - Public welcome.
Included in Cost: Entree, dessert, drinks, tip, as well as, compelling speakers and companionship of friends old and new.
Look for our eBlast with the details in a couple of weeks, if you are subscribed. Otherwise, check our website in the coming weeks.
Questions? Events [at]