You Can Help Make Democracy Work
Do you want to make a real difference in local issues from the comfort of your home? Are you aware that LWV Orange Coast members are Observers at the City Council meetings in Seal Beach, Irvine, San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo, Dana Point, San Clemente, and Laguna Hills. Thanks to these amazing members we are alerted to agenda items on abortion, climate, housing, homelessness, voting restrictions, and more. This has enabled us to respond to these issues before they are voted on and make a difference in the outcome. You could do this too.
The Observers also monitor the Council for adhering to the Brown Act, having civil discourse at their meetings, and their actions on any area of concern to the League. The Councils receive a copy of the Observers report and they do pay attention to them. Our committees follow-up on areas of concern and thanks to the Observers respond in a timely manner.
But, we are not in all of our cities as you can see. We do not have Observers in Costa Mesa, Newport, Aliso Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach, Lake Forest and Huntington Beach. That means we are missing opportunities to monitor and influence decisions in these cities. We are also looking for members to partner as Observers in our current cities.
Maybe your interest is more in education. We have just added an Observer at the Capistrano Unified School Board meetings. Restricting teachers access to curriculum and banning books are being being discussed at your local school board meetings. Civil discourse at these meetings is also an issue. Just like with the City Councils, knowing that your meeting is being observed and reported on makes everyone more thoughtful and accountable.
Wouldn’t you like to join the Observer Corps and start making a difference? You don’t have to live in the city you observe, you just need to be willing to watch their City Council meetings or school board meetings and complete our on-line report. Training is available on the Brown Act and the Observer Corps chairs are always available to answer questions and assist with reports.
It’s easy. It’s effective.
Make Democracy Work!! Contact us today.
Anne Stone
Susan Knight
Co-Chairs Observer Corps
Contact Information: observer.corps [at] lwvorangecoast.org (Email Us) or
call (949) 451-2212 and leave Anne & Susan a message.