Saturdays In the Park September 2023 Report

Saturdays In the Park September 2023 Report

Park Bench and Gazebo

Saturdays in the Park - September 16th, 2023

If you haven’t attended a Saturdays in the Park event, you’re missing out.  Each one is different, but it’s always fun, interactive, and informative.  

Rumor has it that the event is a best-kept secret, which is perfectly understandable for a novel event.  Here’s some information that might get you to our next Saturdays in the Park.

Myth: It’s all about socializing.

Yes, socializing is an important part of Saturdays in the Park. Attendees meet and greet and share their thoughts in twos and threes around the refreshment table, under a shade tree, or admiring the natural environment. But we also pull up our lawn chairs in a circle for introductions that give us new insights into our League friends new and old, then listen to a series of presentations that often include interaction with the audience.

Myth: There’s no agenda.

It is true that there is no published program, because we really want this to be an informal gathering with a bit of a life of its own. However, for each Saturdays in the Park event more than half the time is allocated to a program of activities, including a presentation we’ve dubbed League 101 about how the League works to accomplish its mission. Several other presentations inform about our work, the political environment, or other elements related to League positions. These might include talks by our HAT or Climate chairs, or one of our board members; an update on important bills in the California legislature; current events across the county from our Observer Corps; or an insider’s look at one of our city councils or school boards. In keeping with the informal nature of the event, the audience often chimes in with questions and related information. Some of these presentations end up as articles in our emails and on our website.

Myth: It’s for members only.

Guests are most welcome. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity for prospective members to learn more about League from one or more of our Chairs, board members, and volunteers in the city you live.

Myth: It’s uncomfortable in the park setting.

We choose our park spots carefully so there’s shade, it’s a short walk from ample parking, and the restrooms are close by. And the parks we choose are beautiful places to enjoy nature, visit, and take a stroll, if you choose. We’ve even had a couple of well-behaved dogs join us. You bring your own lawn chair so you have what’s comfortable for you. The great outdoors are not only lovely, but also more protective than indoors, if you’re concerned about virus transmission.

So don’t miss out next time. Watch for our Save the Date and Registration announcements and join us!

//saturdaysinthe%20park [at] (Susan J Knight)

This article is related to which committees: 
Orange Coast - Membership Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Orange Coast