Events Committee

Events Committee

The Events Committee (events [at] organizes monthly Thursdays with the League, League@Niteand other membership meetings or public forums, working together with the sponsoring LWV-PA committees and the President.  We try to provide relevant and interesting speakers, panels, or other formats on timely topics of interest to our members and the general public. A relevant advocacy activity is part of each event. This gives a good insight into all the varied education and advocacy work of the League and hopefully enhances LWV PA’s visibility in the communities we serve. We meet monthly the first week of the month, in person or via Zoom as the committee decides.  The 2023-2024  Committee Chair is Katherine Gavzy.  Others participating in the committee are Jean Buennagel and Valli Cowan. Meetings include lots of enjoyable conversation -- we warmly welcome new committee members, so contact us if you are interested


 Committee Chair:  Katherine Gavzy
Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Katherine Gavzy
League to which this content belongs: 

All Posts Related to this Committee


On October 28, LWV-PA was invited by Neighbors Building a Better Altadena to host the only candidate forum of 2021.


Save Winter Wonderland


On Saturday, January 22, 2022, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., come and help us chart next year’s priorities for education and advocacy—for LWV-PA and also for the National League.


Although we all fervently hope that this will have been our last virtual annual meeting, there was general agreement that it went off smoothly and demonstrated how we have learned to manage these pandemic-necessitated challenges.

Speak Easy
Event Date: 
May 13 2021 06:00 pm to May 14 2021 06:45 pm
Event location: 

Zoom meeting


All LWV-PA current members are called to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting.


March Recap—Insurrection

Our first-ever Speak Easy Saturday was well attended. The participants held lively discussions about the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6. We all had our own ideas about how we got here.


We have been fairly successful over the past year in adapting to a totally online environment, and we have been lucky to have several members who taught themselves to host all our meetings and webinars on Zoom.


New Directions for a New Year

Program Planning for LWV-PA and the California State League in 2021–22

TWTL 020421 Flyer
Event Date: 
Feb 04 2021 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Event location: 

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

More than 400,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 and, sadly, we still aren’t close to controlling this pandemic.
