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Become a Member | Donate to the League

Membership and Local League Active Associate

The mission of the League of Women Voters is to encourage informed and active participation in government, increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy. The League works at the national, state, and local levels in all fifty states plus the District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.

Membership is managed by the local Leagues, who forward a large part of your membership dues to the state and national organizations that in turn provide full time staff and resources to help the local Leagues be effective in their local areas and also lobby the legislature or Congress for state and national issues that are too big for local Leagues to influence alone.

Thus, becoming a member of your local League makes you a contributing member of your state League and the National League.

Basic membership covers our state and national League obligations and our own local expenses. Our membership year, like our fiscal year, runs from July 1 to June 30, and dues are not prorated. Basic membership is $90 for individuals and $140 for two or more members living in the same household.

Individuals who are able to support the League's mission at a level beyond covering our basic expenses are encouraged to become members at the $150 Mission Support level.

You can also support the San Joaquin County League as a Friend of the League ($30) without membership privileges such as voting at business meetings or serving on the Board, and still receive notifications of activities and our newsletter while recognizing our work in the community.

Student membership is free.

There are two ways you can choose to pay:

  • Fill in the form, print it, and mail it with your personal check. Or, you can do it
  • Online - Fill in the form below and pay via PayPal. Note: you don't need a PayPal account. You can pay via credit or debit card.

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Name of additional member in household:





Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Preferred medium for receiving newsletters:
Paper copy delivered by mail
Electronic copy delivered by email

Please use the Comments section on the PayPal page to note any special interests, knowledge, or possible volunteer areas of interest.

Donation - Tax-Deductible & Non Tax-Deductible

There are two ways you can choose to donate:

  • PDF icon Fill in the form, print it, and mail it with your personal check. Use this form for both tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible donations. Or,
  • Online - via PayPal. When you click on the Donate button below, you will be transferred to a secure PayPal website in order to enter the payment details. Note the following:
    • You do not need a PayPal account in order to contribute online.
    • The League will use the mailing address of your PayPal account or your credit/debit card billing address to send you a written receipt for your contribution. You should also receive an email acknowledgement from PayPal.
Make a tax-deductible donation to the Education Fund which is a 501(c)(3) organization Make a non-tax-deductible donation to support the League's action priorities

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