Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

2024 Great Decisions Cover

Great Decisions Extension (GDE) at the Benicia Library and via Zoom

Get Involved
Program Planning & Events (PPE) New 2021-22 Standardized Scheduling for Program Events!
    SYC 21-22 Official Group Photo
    Partners for a Strong Democracy Through Information-Empowered Voters
    By Alice Fried
    Icon depicting a city or government building

    This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Walnut Creek City Council meetings, in reverse chronological order.

    LWV Solano Facebook

    Don't belong to Facebook? No worries, you can click here to check out the latest news on the LWV Solano Facebook page. If you are a Facebook member, don't forget to Share, Like, and Follow us!


    LWVSC logo
    Notes to our Members from
    Carole Paterson, LWV Solano President and Rami Muth, LWV Solano Vice President
    Notes are added with the latest first.
    LWSC logo

    Attached below are downloadable PDFs of the LWV Solano County Board Meeting Minutes starting with September 2021.

    LWV Bay Area Logo
    The Bay Area League Serves the Members and Communities of 20 Bay Area Leagues In Nine Bay Area Counties
    Voter Registration at Anticoh Library

    A big THANK YOU to each of the League members who helped register voters in September.

    Blog Post

    The past two months as Monthly President were rewarding. The Board and Leadership team has been supportive and helpful. I learned a lot -- including about levels of LWV and how they function. The team of Melanie Speir, Anne Granlund, and Peggy Huston will be Monthly President for October and November.
