Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

Pondering Propositions

October 7th Ballot Propositions Event Video and Resources

Public Statement

Today, the Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights and LWV filed a federal lawsuit against the state for unlawful voter roll removals.

Blog Post, our one-stop-shop for election information, just turned 18. That means if we choose to personify her — and clearly, we do — she's a Gen Z-er of voting age. And she's got some advice for you about making your voice heard this November in a very demure and mindful way.

Pros and Cons

Thanks to the LWV San Diego who has shared their 2024 Statewide Ballot discussion with us!

You can access the discussion on their YouTube Channel at

LWVC Newsletter

With Election Day just over a month away, the LWVC is energized and committed to empowering every Californian to vote! Ballots start mailing on October 7, and our resources are reaching communities. Don’t miss the U.S. Senate Candidate Forum on October 8. Ready to lead? Learn about joining the LWVC Board!

Public Statement

DeKalb, Georgia — Today, the League of Women Voters of Georgia, Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, New Georgia Project, Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, A. Philip Randolph Institute, and Common Cause Georgia, represented by Advancement Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Arnold & Porter, filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit that is currently pending in state court (DeKalb County Superior Court)

Public Statement

Indianapolis –  A federal judge has ruled that the Anderson, IN, City Council’s failure to draw fair council maps violates the US Constitution and fair maps must be drawn.  

Public Statement

A federal court ruled Saturday against a key provision of Texas’ anti-voter law Senate Bill 1 in a victory for voting rights in the state.

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire, Coalition for Open Democracy, Forward Foundation, and five current and future voters filed a federal lawsuit today challenging HB 1569, a new, significant, and unconstitutional change to New Hampshire’s voting laws that would create needless barriers to vote and remove some options that people are able to use when registering to vote. The groups are represented by the ACLU of New Hampshire, American Civil Liberties Union, and Ropes & Gray LLP.

GOTV postcards - Spanish

LWVDV received a $2500 grant to develop, produce and distribute two-sided 4x6 Get Out the Vote postcards in Spanish.
