West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

volunteers at table to help register voters
Blog Post

The League is already getting requests to help register voters or train registrars, and to participate in advocacy training with a focus on voter turnout. Check out the opportunities to join our Voter Service activities!

young girl reading newspaper

Get the latest information on the Schools and Communities First Initiative, upcoming Voter Service opportunities, and our latest courageous woman, Marie W. Stewart!

young girl reading newspaper

Our October Voter has a lot for you -- TWO informative meetings this month (RSVP now!) Anniversary Celebration activities and information (check out the new suffragist bio!), a plea for help on affordable housing and homelessness, plus Diversity/Equity/Inclusion webinars.

shopping cart with personal possessions next to park bench
Blog Post

Homelessness and Affordable Housing are major problem areas in the Bay Area and in California.

Four people ready to register voters
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley may have taken the lead on National Voter Registration Day – but our partners certainly made it successful!  

School Board
Blog Post

Martha Goralka, LWVDV Observer, catches us up with what happened at the Antioch school board meeting on August 14, 2019. Learn more about this and similar reports at our Action/Advocacy Committee meetings.

Group of women with manikin dressed as suffragist
Blog Post

Our 2019-2020 year of celebrations of women's suffrage and the founding of the League kicked off in August with a suffrage party.More here and on our 100th Anniversary page.

Speaker Kathy Woofter, Consolidated Fire District, Contra Costa
Blog Post

This is a brief report by Gail Murray about the August 20, 2019 Walnut Creek meeting providing information on preparing for wildfires. More resources are on our Wildfire Issues page (link in article).

young girl reading newspaper

Our September Voter is fuller than full! Fall League Kick-Off featuring Voters Service, Anniversary Celebration activities and information (Chinese-American suffragists!), great information from our Wildfire meeting, Action Alerts and initiative news and so much more!

Martha Goralka, LWV Diablo Valley, with campaign sign

We helped qualify this initiative last year, but the Schools and Communities First coalition has made some changes that will make it even easier to get this passed on the November 2020 ballot. We are joining the LWVC and other local Leagues and coalition partners to gather signatures to re-file this improved initiative.
