You can help the U.S. reach our highest ideals, including a future where ALL age-qualified citizens are registered and able to cast an informed vote. Join our Voter Services team!
All members are invited and encouraged to attend our LWVDV Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, June 20th AT 9:30 AM. We need a quorum of members to vote to continue services for the next year and we hope to see you there!
Recognizing that our frontline workers are forced daily to make troubling medical and ethical choices, the Frontline Workers Counseling Project was formed to offer free counseling support. Sue Brandy is working with the project to help workers to cope with difficult decisions they must make.
Census 2020 has been underway for almost two months and so far, 69.3% of Contra Costa County residents and 54% of Californians have responded. Currently, volunteers are doing phone banking to households that have not responded.
Our own League member Catherine Newman is addressing COVID-19 “hands on”, with her UC Berkeley engineering friends. Read more about how you can help this team . . .