West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

Clients choose food at free meal
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley recently joined the Contra Costa Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) https://www.budgetjusticecc.org/.

Audrey Albrecht, former LWVDV member
Blog Post

Martha Goralka and Suzan Requa, LWVDV Co-Presidents, share their thoughts on being part of League, both past and future. How can you be part of the League legacy?

young girl reading newspaper

This is our March newsletter, with plenty of interesting details about program planning, supporting HR 1, and some important upcoming events. Read it all!

Melissa Breach, Virginia Kase, Madeline Kronenberg, League Day 2019

League Day: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Whether you attended League Day in San Francisco in February, or just wish you had, there are online resources available that support the messages from that meeting.

signpost, many directions, no words
Blog Post

Our LWVDV held its annual Program Planning meeting on Saturday, February 23, but we are not quite done – we need your help!

Martinez California courthouse

Contra Costa County Superior Court is accepting applications for Civil Grand Jury service for the fiscal year 2019 – 2020. League supports effective government and encourages League members and others to apply for these important positions.

shopping cart with personal possessions next to park bench
Research & Studies

There are an increasing number of persons who are homeless in California. The problem must be humanely addressed for the benefit of these individuals and families, for our communities, and for our society.

young girl reading newspaper

Our monthly membership newsletter with all the February news and happenings - click through for highlights and links!

piles of coins and $50 bill
Blog Post

By Susan Requa, LWVDV Co-President

hand to ear, listening

By Carol Murota, LWVDV Lafayette Observer
