Thank you to our generous sponsors and donors, to the many Yolo County residents who purchased tickets, and to our league members who volunteered their time to make the event a success.
The 2023 State of the Community Luncheon was well attended, with guests including current and former members of the Board of Supervisors, Yolo County Office of Education, Woodland City Council, RISE Inc., and local fire districts, as well as representatives from U.S. Representative Mike Thompson and State Senator Bill Dodd. Also in attendance were managers and staff from county departments as well as members of LWV Davis Area, Yolo County Grand Jury and our own league.

Yolo County Administrator Gerardo Pinedo began by sharing his background. He is the son of immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, and has spent the last 28 years working at local, state and federal levels of government. He is grateful to now be serving in Yolo County, which he characterized as being open and thoughtful in how it governs. He then gave an excellent presentation providing an overview of the county government structure, a snapshot of Yolo County specifics, his commitment and priority areas, and challenges and opportunities for the county. He noted that shortly before this event, the Board of Supervisors created its first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion position. Among Mr. Pinedo’s priorities are partnering more with educational institutions, moving toward community models for libraries, and finishing the restoration of the former county courthouse. He also responded to questions about balancing urban and rural needs relating to water scarcity, the importance of accurate messaging to residents, and support for the Health & Human Services Agency.
To view Mr. Pinedo's PowerPoint presentation, please click here.