Empowering Voters - Defending Democracy
The League of Women Voters is a political organization that neither supports nor opposes candidates or parties and encourages informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the La Grange Area serves the people of Brookfield, Burr Ridge, Countryside, Indian Head Park, Hinsdale, Hodgkins, La Grange, La Grange Highlands, La Grange Park, Riverside, Western Springs and Westchester.
National League Releases Statement re Trump Administration Weaponization of Government Against Americans
On February 6th, the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Celina Stewart issued a statement in response to actions taken by the new administration and the impact on voters.
As an organization committed to empowering voters and defending democracy, the League is outraged by the current administration’s actions against the American people. We are equally concerned about the inaction of our elected officials in Congress to exercise their constitutional authority and put a stop to this attack on democratic institutions, Americans, and the rule of law.
You can read the full statement here or on our Issues page.
La Grange LWV Hosts Candidate Forums for the April Elections
The League of Women Voters of the La Grange Area sponsored candidate forums for candidates for the following races:
- La Grange Park Village Trustee - Feb. 5
The forum was held virtually on Wednesday, February 5. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
- La Grange Area School District 204 - February 11
The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, February 11. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
- La Grange Area School District 102 - February 4
The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, February 4. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
- La Grange Village Trustees - February 17
The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, February 17. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
- District 101 Western Springs Schools - March 4
The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, March 4. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
Here's Your Election Schedule
Register to Vote (See HERE)
- By March 4: On paper or register in person with deputy registrar
- Between Feb. 27 and March 16: Online if have Illinois Driver’s License or I.D. with Cook County Clerk Registration Page.
Register to Vote and Voting (Early Voting and Election Day)
- March 17 thru March 31: at Early Voting Sites
- April 1 Election Day from 6 am to 7 pm: at your home precinct (see List) or at the Voting Centers at 69 W. Washington, Chicago pedway; Maywood Public Library; and the courthouses in Bridgeview, Markham, Rolling Meadows and Skokie
Vote by Mail
- If not on the permanent vote-by-mail list, can apply by March 27, see the Cook County Clerk's Web Site.
- Completed ballots must be:
1) Mailed and postmarked on or before April 1
2) Delivered at designated secure drop boxes at Early Voting Sites from March 17 thru March 31
3) Delivered at designated secure drop boxes from March 17 thru and including Election Day on April 1 at the Voting Centers: outside of 69 W. Washington, Chicago (not the pedway); Maywood Public Library; and the courthouses in Bridgeview, Markham, Rolling Meadows, and Skokie.
La Grange LWV to Host Program Exploring the Federal Judiciary
When - Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:15 am until noon
Where - Brookfield Public Library, 3541 Park Avenue, Brookfield
The League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area will sponsor a program exploring the Federal Judiciary. In June of 2024, at the most recent LWVUS convention, the League voted to conduct a study of the Federal Justiciary. This is a study of the structure of ALL federal courts not just the Supreme Court. Please come to our meeting to learn about that structure and to come to a consensus on the several study questions that we will discuss. The questions will have been researched by the LWVUS committee. We will just be deciding whether we can agree on the answers to these questions. The results of our discussion and the decisions made will be sent to the LWVUS.
This event is free of charge and open to the public. No registration is required. For more information, email us at league [at] lagrangearealwv.org.
A Fair Way To Assess And Manage Stormwater: Learn from Western Springs and our MWRD
On Ocober 8th the League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area sponsored a program on stormwater management and assessment. Our suburban properties all generate stormwater runoff, some more than others. But how to share the cost fairly? Western Springs Deputy Village Manager Casey Biernacki helped us all understand how their village’s Stormwater Utility Fee was proposed, implemented, and received in their village. You can view details on the Western Springs Web site. How does the Fee equitably assess the cost of runoff, and then redirect the funds to improve the village stormwater management system? Public Affairs Specialist Patrick Thomas of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District then zeroed in on other local stormwater initiatives and on regional stormwater management. Lots of good material is posted at https://mwrd.org/what-we-do.
LWV of Illinois Releases Fact Checking Resources
In recent years double checking claims made by candidates, PACs, and other information providers has become more necessary than ever. A task force of the Illinois League of Women Voters has released a very useful summary of Web sites and other resources you can use to double check the information that you encounter. You can
download the document here.
The Future of Salt Creek and Fullersburg Woods
On June 5th the League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area sponsored a program about the future of Salt Creek and Fullersburg Woods. The Master Plan includes enhancements for visitors of the environs of the historic Graue Mill, strategic bank stabilization and extensive removal of invasive vegetation followed by strategic replanting. This presentation discussed the environmental benefits and need for the project, and provided a detailed update on the construction progress including the removal of the dam, selected clearing and vegetation management/restoration, and stream restoration.
Learn About the Separation of Powers from An Expert
On February 3rd, The League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area sponsored a program on the separation of powers, featuring Professor Steven D. Schwinn of the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law.
The separation of powers impacts everything from environmental protection to civil rights to consumer financial protection. This issue is also impacting the Supreme Court—a change that could have numerous implications. You can listen to a recording of this program here.
Learn About BEDS and Housing Insecurity in La Grange
On February 8th, the League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area sponsored an informative program on the struggles of housing insecurity. Erin Molek of BEDS discussed the history of BEDS, the impact of BEDS in the community, and how to get involved. Many individuals and families are teetering on the edge, just one hardship or crisis away from experiencing the uncertainty of housing loss. Together, as a community, we can make a difference. Join us in building a safety net and support system to assist those facing homelessness and housing insecurity. You can listen to a recording of this program here.
How Can We Improve Voter Engagement?
On Feb. 22nd, the League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area sponsored a community chat with the Lyons township clerk about increasing voter engagement. Elyse Hoffenberg, The Clerk of the Township of Lyons, sees increasing voter engagement and access as a key priority of her office and discussed past, present, and future plans related to mobilizing more people in our community to vote. She also presented some intriguing data regarding how and why voters engage as the do. You can view her Powerpoint here.