Meet the Board

Meet the Board

President/Leadership Team: Kate Jones, President,  Patti Connor, 1st Vice President, Nanette Onley Hobson, 2nd Vice President, and Sue Kunkel, Treasurer.

Suzanne Beal
Mike Bunitsky
George Carroll 
Mary Beth Coker
James Filson
Jill Griffith
Lauri Gross
Janette Goodman
Mary Sue Krause
Rosemary Orthmann
Roseann Roe
Ellen West

Emerita Directors
Gail Bowerman
Melanie Cox
Mary Ann Crosson Ford
Claire Kondig
Mary Ellen Rhoderick
Sue Rovin

Our Non-Partisan Statement
The League of Women Voters is a grassroots, nonpartisan - but political - organization. We encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government, work to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy. The League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office, but we do take positions on issues. Voter Guides and other Voter Services materials do not contain statements of League positions, and questions that we pose to candidates in forums or other materials are written with politically neutral language.