Rise Coalition and City Charter Amendments

Rise Coalition and City Charter Amendments

Time Range For Action Alert: 
October 6, 2023 to October 31, 2023

The RISE Coalition (Resources for Immigrant Support and Empowerment) is urging organizations and individuals to support non-citizen voting in Frederick City elections. Immigrant residents pay taxes, run businesses, have children in school and are involved in many community efforts. We believe they deserve a voice in matters that affect them. The process to achieve citizenship status can take many years, and for some is very expensive and complex. We believe that Frederick should join the 14 other Maryland jurisdictions that allow non-citizen voting in city elections. 

Here's how:

The Frederick City Charter Review Commission has been meeting for many months to consider changes to the City Charter. The commission will wrap up their work very soon, by late September. Then they will send their recommendations to the City Board of Aldermen who will hold public hearings. Eventually the Aldermen will vote on each recommendation in order to amend the city charter.

Here are some resources:

1) attached - 3 page summary, supporting immigrant voting rights from Vivianna Westbrook, an immigration attorney and member of the RISE Coalition.

2) link for basic city info and a way folks can email their opinion on non-citizen voting -- or should we say "all resident voting" for Frederick City.

Charter Review Public Engagement | The City of Frederick, MD - Official Website (cityoffrederickmd.gov)

3) link to arguments for (and against) non-citizen voting

Arguments for and against laws permitting noncitizens to vote in the United States - Ballotpedia 

4) below - from the Charter Review subcommittee on elections. They are looking at several other issues, including dates of city elections, ranked choice voting, creation of voting districts, etc.

Please  - call/text me with your thoughts and questions. I hope to talk with you soon AND to see you at the Sept. 21 meeting.

Many thanks!

Carol Antoniewicz  301-606-9235
RISE Coalition member

From the Charter Review Subcommittee on Elections Issues:

8) Voter Eligibility: Noncitizen Voting

To vote in Frederick City elections, residents must be at least 18 years old, residents of the City, U.S. Citizens at the time of the election, and not be disqualified as outlined by Maryland State law. The non-citizen population over 18 years old in Frederick is estimated to be around 6400 voters, per City staff. To allow noncitizen voting, the City of Frederick would need to maintain separate voter rolls.

Currently, the District of Columbia and at least 14 municipalities in the U.S. allow eligible noncitizens (living in the U.S. legally, such as Green Card holders, authorized Visa holders, etc.) to vote in some or all local elections (11 municipalities in Maryland, two in Vermont and one in

California). No states allow noncitizens to vote in statewide elections. Federal law prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections but does not state whether they can vote in state or local elections. To the Subcommittee’s knowledge, no jurisdiction allows undocumented residents to vote in its elections.

Proponents of extending voting to other non-citizen residents contend that these residents are equally affected by decisions of the government and have the same characteristics as residents that are US citizens. Opponents contend that noncitizens should assume the duties of citizenship before they are allowed to vote, and that allowing noncitizens to vote would discourage them from seeking citizenship.

The Subcommittee has weighed the findings and recommends that the City explore extending voting rights to documented residents. One member of the Subcommittee also felt strongly that the City should consider extending voting rights to undocumented residents.