On Dec. 2, LWVFC hosted a breakfast with members of the Frederick County General Assembly Delegation. The breakfast, which was a popular annual League event prior to Covid, was open to League members, as well as members of the public. In addition to networking, the event included presentations by the Delegation members, who shared their legislative agendas before departing to Winchester Hall for the annual Delegation Hearing. County Executive Jessica Fitzwater also attended and addressed the crowd, and there was a Q&A period.
Members of the delegation in attendance included Del. Christopher Eric Bouchat (R), District 5; Del. Barrie S. Ciliberti (R), District 4; Senator Paul D. Corderman (R), District 2; Del. Kristopher G. Fair (D), District 3; Del. April Fleming Miller (R), District 4; Del. Kenneth P. Kerr (D), District 3; Del. Jesse T. Pippy (R), District 4; Sen. Karen Lewis Young (D), District 3; Del. Karen Simpson (D), District 3.