A Discussion on I/A Septic Systems and Urine Diversion

A Discussion on I/A Septic Systems and Urine Diversion


Falmouth Public Library, Hermann Room
Katherine Lee Bates Road
Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 7:00pm

Director and Senior Environmental Specialist Brian Baumgaertel has accepted our invitation to present this program.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently issued new regulations for Cape Cod requiring towns to obtain watershed permits to deal with pollution in ponds and coastal waters within two years. The permit is a 20-year permit allowing the community to design a system for the specific needs of that community. If any given town defaults, all existing septic systems in that town will need to be replaced with Innovative/Alternative septic systems within five years. In light of these regulations, the Natural Resources committee reached out to the MASSTC. Instead of arranging a field trip, our committee requested a presentation at our October monthly meeting to reach a larger number of people before Town Meeting. 

Issues referenced by this event: 
This event is related to which committees: 
Natural Resources Committee