Video: Housing In Wellesley: Our Past, Our Future, Our Values

Video: Housing In Wellesley: Our Past, Our Future, Our Values


On January 14, 2021, the LWVW sponsored a panel dicussion on affordable housing in Wellesley which was attended by over 100 people who participated via Zoom polls and comments. The video of this event is shown below:

 (Video courtesy of Wellesley Media)

The speakers were:

  • Jennifer Raitt, the Director of Planning and Community Development for the Town of Arlington, MA; and
  • Don McCauley, Wellesley's Planning Director

They discussed how Wellesley's zoning created our desirable community but also contributes to Wellesley's increasing lack of affordability and sought to answer the questions:

  • How can we ensure that Wellesley's housing supports our values?
  • What action steps can we take to allow a greater diversity of people to call Wellesley their home?

PDF icon Ann-Mara Lanza's introductory presentation as well as PDF icon Jennifer Raitt's and PDF icon Don McCauley's presentations are available on this website.

Jennifer Raitt has served local, regional, state and national housing, community development and planning organizations, and she recently became a Climate Reality Leaer with the Climate Reality Project. Don McCauley has served Wellesley as a Selectman, Town Moderator, and is of counsel with McCauley Lyman, LLC, a firm specializing in renewable energy law.

This event was organized by the LWVW and co-sponsored by Building a Better Wellesley, TBE Racial Justice, Sustainable Wellesley, World of Wellesley, Wellesley Council on Aging, Wellesley Village Church, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Affordable Wellesley and UU Wellesley Hills.

The short video referenced in Jennifer's presentation can be found below:

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