Managing Voting During the Pandemic

Managing Voting During the Pandemic

Ed Golembiewski

Click HERE to view recording

At the May Lunch & Learn  Edward R Golembiewski, Washtenaw County Director of Elections, gave an overview of election rules and procedures, how they've changed after the passage of Proposal 3 and what plans are being made for voting during the pandemic.  Then he responded to questions submitted in advance and also during the presentation.   A big take away from his message was that any registered voter can now vote absentee - no 'excuse' is required - and this is the best way to vote safely during the pandemic.  

Ed packed so much information into less than an hour that his talk deserves repeating - and we can do this because there is a recording of the presentation on the League YouTube channel.  Click HERE to view the recording.  In addition, Ed has shared his powerpoint presentation so that you can review it again.  

Our on-line presence is reaching more people every day.  Turnout for this first virtual Lunch & Learn was substantial.   The live event was viewed on Zoom by over 75 people and on Facebook by 93 people.  And the recording can reach many more.  You can do your part to tell people about how election procedures have been improved by sharing the video with your friends and neighbors.  

League to which this content belongs: 
Washtenaw County