Orientation for new and prospective members Feb 19 at Ann Arbor Library - Westgate

Orientation for new and prospective members Feb 19 at Ann Arbor Library - Westgate


Ann Arbor Library - Westgate Branch Room B
2503 Jackson Ave In Westgate shopping center
Ann Arbor Michigan
Michigan US
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:15pm

League of Women Voters 2.0 - Introduction to League Basics for members and prospective members.

Come a little early for social time.  The program will start at 5:00 pm.

Find out how the League plans to be actively involved in 2020 

  • how the League advocates for good government
  • how the local, state and national leagues work together
  • how the League got started 100 years ago
  • and so much more

 Member Barb Billings will be there to greet you and facilitate conversation.  Come get acquainted.

Can't make this date? Future information sessions will be posted to our website calendar at www.lwvannarbor.org




Contact Information
Barb Billings
barbara.anne.billings [at] gmail.com
This event is related to which committees: 
Membership Committee