Join the League of Women Voters at their first virtual "Brews & Views," with special guest Barbara L. McQuade, professor from practice at the University of Michigan School of Law and former U.S attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
7:00 pm EDT
To join the meeting, you must register HERE to receive a unique link to the meeting.
Professor McQuade will be talking about the impact of COVID-19 on our 2020 elections. A significant portion of the evening will be devoted to Q&A.
Like all Brews & Views events, this one is free. We'd appreciate it, however, if you could help support our usual sponsor, Pointless Brewery (3014 Packard Street, A2).
Please "buy a beer" by making a donation to Pointless. They are one of the thousands of small businesses in Ann Arbor that desperately need our help right now. We want to make sure they're still in business when we're able to meet again! Thank you for anything you can give.
Everybody is welcome! This event is open to the public
League members are encouraged to invite non-members to attend.