LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College focus group

LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College focus group


Friday, April 19, 2024 - 1:00pm

LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College focus group: Friday, April 19th at 1p via Zoom

This group, directed by LWV-Illinois, has monthly presentations by knowledgeable speakers regarding the history and present-day issues for electing the US President and Vice President. Previous presentations are recorded and available for viewing. 


As set forth by LWVUS at its 2022 National Convention, abolishing the Electoral College by US Constitutional Amendment has been elevated to one of the League's top priorities. A PowerPoint presentation and handouts are available for members to provide to the public and raise awareness of issues. Information and training sessions for presenters are encouraged. 


Contact Maria Woloson at LWVOAMi [at] gmail.com (LWVOAMi@gm)ail.com for more info

Contact Information
Maria Woloson
LWVOAMi [at] gmail.com