LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College nationwide focus group

LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College nationwide focus group


Friday, July 19, 2024 - 1:00pm

LWVUS Abolish the US Electoral College nationwide focus group: Friday, July 19th at 1p via Zoom

Abolishing the Electoral College by US Constitutional Amendment is one of the League's top priorities. 


LWVUS' first of a five-phase process is having individual states approve the National Popular Vote. After approval by state legislatures of NPV, the state will direct its electoral college votes to the candidate that wins the national popular vote for the US President and Vice President. 


To date, states with a total of 205 electoral votes have committed to the process. A total of 270 are necessary to elect the president.  

Legislation for NPV has been introduced in the Michigan Legislature. 

Members are encouraged to notify their state representatives and senators of their support for such legislation. 


PowerPoint presentations and handouts are available for members to share with the public and raise awareness of issues.


Contact Maria Woloson at LWVOAMi [at] gmail.com (LWVOAMi@gm)ail.com for more info.

Contact Information
Maria Woloson
LWVOAMi [at] gmail.com