LWVUS Eliminate the Electoral College working group: Friday, January 17th at 1p via Zoom
Monthly presentations provide information as to the necessity of abolishing the Electoral College by US Constitutional Amendment which is now one of the League's top priorities. There was a lot of speculation that the 2024 election may have resulted in an electoral count tie, requiring a contingent election in the U.S. Congress. Daniel Feller, University of Tennessee, Distinguished Professor of Humanities Emeritus and Editor/Director Emeritus of The Papers of Andrew Jackson, will discuss the Presidential election of 1824. This promises to be an eye-opening talk and fun, too! Our country has been through a lot of tumultuous times, lest we forget!
Contact Maria Woloson at LWVOAMi [at] gmail.com (LWVOAMi@gm)ail.com for more info.