All Washtenaw County Articles

Washtenaw County 2010 districts

 UPDATED FOR 2024 - The traditional LWV brochure "Your Elected Officials and how to contact them" (YEO for short) has been for many years a valuable resource for local residents.   

Ten Things YOU Can Do to Defend Democracy
Years of relentless assaults on democracy, voting rights, and human rights have made many of us feel traumatized and powerless.
People voting

Be an informed voter. is ready to use. 

Candidate forum

All LWV of Washtenaw Candidate Forums for the August primary election have been completed.  Each Forum was recorded on Zoom without audience and posted to our YouTube channel when completed.  To make it easy for Washtenaw Voters t

Ypsilanti City Ward 3 May 7 2024 election

Ypsilanti City Ward 3 recall election Tuesday, May 7, 2024. 

You can click HERE to view video of Candidate Forum






League Logo

Help Spread the Word!    We Need Audiences for our presentations about 

  • Expanded Voting Rights 2024
  • National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Early voting button

Early voting will be available from Feb 17 thru Feb 25.   The Washtenaw County Clerk’s office has put together an outstanding resource for voters which outlines polling locations, dates, times, and voter information related to Early Voting.

League Logo

League memberships run from January 1 to December 31*. Renew (or join) and continue to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy. Your dues make you a member of, and give support to the Washtenaw, Michigan and U.S. Leagues

You Tube film

Washtenaw County will be implementing new voting rights in 2024. 
