All Washtenaw County Articles

LWV Washtenaw County

Check the LWV Washtenaw Calendar for a complete listing of coming member and public meetings

LWV Washtenaw County

At the national convention this past summer, LWV-US delegates voted to proceed with a study on the federal judiciary. The directive from National focuses on judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics.
Are you interested in participating in this study?


At the 2024 LWVUS Convention, delegates voted to embark on a study of the federal judiciary that will lead to formulation of a League position by June 2025. The League needs a position from which to advocate on s

LWV Michigan

The Lame Duck Session continues. As of Friday, December 13, the MI Senate and MI House of Representatives plan to return on December 18.  

National Popular Vote

Lame Duck Session Started Nov 6

Ask your legislators to support NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE

green button with the text "I vote to be heard"

Why Vote?


We've found two videos you might find helpful and interesting.

Local Voter Guides

The Washtenaw League has created Voter Guides for local elections.  They are organized by school district.

Each of these can be downloaded and printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper for your own use or to share with friends and neighbors.

LWV Michigan

 Candidate Forum for Michigan Supreme Court   conducted Sept 26 by the Michigan League of Women Voters.  There are two open seats to be filled..

