All Candidate Forums have been completed. Look here for links to Forum videos

All Candidate Forums have been completed. Look here for links to Forum videos

Candidate forum

All LWV of Washtenaw Candidate Forums for the August primary election have been completed.  Each Forum was recorded on Zoom without audience and posted to our YouTube channel when completed.  To make it easy for Washtenaw Voters to identify Forums relevant to their ballot choices, this article lists the entire schedule and provides a link to each video.

Or you can go to the LWV-WC YouTube channel to find all of our forum videos there.  

May 8   Sheriff (Dem)
                Scio Twp Clerk (Dem)
                Webster Twp Supervisor (Dem)
                 Ypsi Twp Clerk (Dem)
                 Pittsfield Twp Supervisor (Dem)
 P.S.  We have lots of other, interesting videos on a wide variety of topics.  If you're curious, look HERE


League to which this content belongs: 
Washtenaw County