The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee consisting of four Republicans and one Democrat issued its report today (June 22, 2021) stating that following extensive review,
This Committee found no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan’s prosecution of the 2020 election.
You can read the full report HERE. It's only 35 pages plus appendix and is interesting reading. The Conclusion on page 35 says:
Conclusion The Committee can confidently assert that it has been thorough in examination of numerous allegations of unlawful actions, improper procedures, fraud, vote theft, or any other description which would cause citizens to doubt the integrity of Michigan’s 2020 election results. Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain. We also conclude citizens should demand reasonable updates and reforms to close real vulnerabilities and unlawful activities that caused much of the doubt and questionability to flourish and could, if unchecked, be responsible for serious and disastrous fraud or confusion in the future.Further, we commend the innumerable clerks, canvassers, staff, workers, and volunteers across Michigan that make the enormous complexity of elections operate so smoothly, so often. The complexity of the work and the dedication we discovered are astounding and worthy of our sincerest appreciation. We also commend the diligent citizens that took time to report problems and concerns they saw because they want and value fair and free elections above party or personal gain. If all citizens remain vigilant and involved, we will emerge stronger after any challenging time
NOTE: the report includes recommendations for legislative action the authors believe will improve the election process. The League of Women Voters has clearly stated their opposition to the 39 bills currently under consideration by the Michigan legislature. HERE is a summary of these bills prepared by LWV MI.