NewsOur L&L speaker on Oct 22 was Dr. Charles Gould, MSU Extension Educator and co-author of Planning & Zoning for Solar Energy Systems: A Guide for Michigan Local Governments to help Michigan communities meet the challenge of becoming solar-ready by addressing solar energy systems (SES) within their planning policies and zoning regulations. VIDEO LINK WILL BE AVAILABLE AS SOON AS EDITING IS COMPLETED.
Dr. Gould provided these links of interest and his website has many other references:
- Planning & Zoning for Solar Energy Systems: A Guide for Michigan Local Governments http://extension.msu.edu/solarzoning
- Opinion: Community Solar – a rare opportunity for bipartisanship https://www.bridgemi.com/guest-commentary/opinion-community-solar-rare-opportunity-bipartisanship
- Solar Panels Provide Cow Comfort https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/equipment/article/2020/02/10/solar-panels-can-provide-energy-cows
- Solar energy, crops, and cattle work together t https://www.agriculture.com/technology/livestock/energy-partners
- Sheep are grazing below Minnesota solar panels that invite pollinators to thrive https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/wild-flowers-and-sheep-create-a-biodiverse-pasture-under-minnesotas-solar-farms
- Built solar assets are ‘chronically underperforming’ and modules degrading faster than expected, research finds https://www.pv-tech.org/built-solar-assets-are-chronically-underperforming-and-modules-degrading-faster-than-expected-research-finds/
- Michigan Pollinator Habitat Planning Scorecard for Solar Sites https://bit.ly/3mJ04Vs
- Opinion: Nevada views: no free lunch on green energy https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/nevada-views-no-free-lunch-on-green-energy-2382525/
- Solar deployed on rooftops could match annual U.S. electricity generation https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2021/10/11/solar-deployed-on-rooftops-could-match-annual-u-s-electricity-generation
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