Firearm Safety Workshop: Firearm Violence is a Public Health and Safety Crisis

Firearm Safety Workshop: Firearm Violence is a Public Health and Safety Crisis

LWV Michigan


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

If you weren’t able to attend the Gun Safety Workshop at the LWVMI annual convention, now’s your chance!  We’ll be repeating our presentation on Tuesday, January 9 at 7-8:30 pm via Zoom.

 Hosted by the LWVMI Firearm Safety Network

Moderated by Vicki Paulissen, co-chair LWVMI Firearm Safety Network

What you’ll learn:

  • Status of current gun safety legislation  (Christina Schlitt, LWVMI)
  • The enforcement of current gun safety laws and constitutional county resolutions (Sue Smith, LWVMI)
  • What current research tells us and possible solutions to this public health crisis (Laura Seawald, M.D., University of Michigan Firearm Injury Prevention Institution)

 To participate during the workshop, please have your cell phone handy!

 Firearm Violence is a Public Health and Safety Crisis

Contact Information
FirearmSafety [at]