The Huron River Watershed: why is it important and how can we protect it?

The Huron River Watershed: why is it important and how can we protect it?

LWV Washtenaw County


On Zoom - please register to receive your link to join the meeting
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - 11:00am
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In southeastern Michigan, the Huron River watershed spans a land area of more than 900 square miles, draining water to the Huron River through hundreds of tributary creeks and streams. It spans Oakland, Livingston, Ingham, Jackson, Washtenaw, Wayne, and Monroe Counties, including 6 local Leagues. For Questions contact Sandra Sorini Elser at 

Rebecca Esselman, Executive Director of the Huron River Watershed Council will help us understand the importance of our watershed and how we can protect it.



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advocacy [at]