LWV Member Education Presentation: Michigan Public Health Call to Action

LWV Member Education Presentation: Michigan Public Health Call to Action

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Sunday, February 18, 2024 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Janet OlszewskiSpeaker is Janet Olszewski, MSW, recently retired from a career in health policy, health management, and public health programs, much of it working for the State of Michigan.

Janet will speak about the Michigan Public Health Advisory Council’s findings on issues of public health, and recommendations for much-needed improvements discussed in the 2023 report “Public Health Call to Action,” of which she is a co-author.

Link to a PDF of the report: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Inside-MDHHS/Reports-and-Statistics---Health-Services/PHAC/PHAC-Recommendations-to-Strengthen-Public-Health-in-Michigan.pdf?rev=71510180cdfc42c5bc3340b8b093c9e0&hash=9C46EDF9676563646FD459C5265778A0


Contact Information
Sara Fink - LWV Washtenaw Healthcare Reform Advocacy
svfink [at] gmail.com