Member Meeting

Member Meeting



On-line meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

LEAGUE MEMBER MEETING - what's happening with the 200 election bills in Lansing?  Get the League's view.  And what about that petition?   MEMBERS ONLY - Join us on Zoom for a special meeting for members of LWV -Washtenaw County. Bring your questions to the meeting or submit them when you register.   

DATE:  Thursday October 28, 2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm 
Speakers: Judy Karandjeff, Chair LWV-MI Advocacy Committee
                 Mark Brewer, Attorney with Goodman Acker P.C.
 Mark is an expert on the proposed Statewide Ballot Proposal Sponsored by Secure MI Vote .  He will explain the contents of the petition, how it will contribute to voter suppression, and how it could become law by avoiding a governor veto.
Judy is currently Chair of the LWV - Michigan Advocacy Committee. She is a former President of the Michigan League, and has been Executive Director of the Michigan Women's Commission (appointed by Governor Granholm).
As Advocacy Chair, she is involved with monitoring the progression of bills through the Michigan Senate and House by observing hearings and through testimony (in-person and virtual). She knows about the coalitions we participate in that allow us to share our concerns and amplify our voices.
For an example of what is going on, look HERE to see the Summary of All Bills in the Election Committee. This summary can be found on the Michigan League website