Opportunity for public comment on housing and community development needs in the Washtenaw Urban County

Opportunity for public comment on housing and community development needs in the Washtenaw Urban County


Zoom or in-person - see below
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - 2:00pm

Public Meeting for needs assessment for Washtenaw Urban County for consideration in the development of the 2022-23 Annual Action Plan to identify specific projects and programs that the County intends to implement with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investments Partnership (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds in the Washtenaw Urban County during the period July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. 

This hearing invites participation and/or written comments from any person having an interest, or their duly appointed representative, in the following Urban County jurisdictions: City of Ann Arbor, City of Dexter, City of Saline, City of Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor Township, Augusta Township, Bridgewater Township, Dexter Township, Lima Township, Manchester Township, Northfield Township, Pittsfield Township, Salem Township, Saline Township, Scio Township, Superior Township, Sylvan Township, Webster Township, York Township, and Ypsilanti Township. The public hearing will be held on:


  • IN-PERSON: Office of Community & Economic Development (415 W. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2200, Ypsilanti, MI 48197)
  • REMOTE: https://washtenawcounty.zoom.us/j/81799637267?pwd=ZkF4aTduTHd2YVp0SnRoR1B0ZkhkQT09
    Passcode: 700544
    Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1 470 250 9358  or +1 470 381 2552  or +1 267 831 0333  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 213 338 8477  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 206 337 9723 
    Webinar ID: 817 9963 7267

The public comment period on housing and community development needs in the Washtenaw Urban County will begin on January 3, 2022 and end on February 4, 2022. If you would like to submit comments or request additional information, contact Tara Cohen at cohent [at] washtenaw.org or 734-544-3056. A full roster of Urban County members is available at www.washtenaw.org/urbancounty