Educating Voters

Educating Voters

We host hundreds of events and programs every year to educate voters about candidates in thousands of federal, state and local races, as well as distribute millions of educational materials about state and local elections.

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Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Sep 02 2020 07:00 am to Sep 03 2020 06:45 am
Event location: 

Winfield Farmers Market

Register to vote at Winfield Farmers Market!

Voter registration at Wheaton French Market
Event Date: 
Oct 03 2020 08:00 am to Oct 04 2020 07:45 am
Event location: 

Downtown Wheaton - Municipal Parking Lot 3

Register to vote at Wheaton's French Market, a French-styled open-air market where local vendors sell fresh local produce, bread, cheese, flowers, artisan foods & crafts, clothing, jewelry, etc. 

Image of voters and Voter's Edge logo

Voter’s Edge is an unbiased online guide to elections covering federal, state, and local races in California. Voter's Edge is a collaborative effort of the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and MapLight.

Image: flyer for Modesto Mayoral Forum on August 19, 2020 at 6 pm
Event Date: 
Aug 19 2020 06:00 pm to Aug 20 2020 05:45 pm

Tonight, hear from candidates for mayor at a virtual Mayoral Candidates Forum, sponsored by NAACP Modesto Stanislaus and ACLU Stanislaus. Tune in to MYTV Channel 26. 

Voting bumper sticker and pins

New! Newport Third Ward forum!

young girl reading newspaper

It’s August, fewer than 100 days to the election, and there’s lots to do! It’s also the Centennial of the 19th Amendment, with many commemorations. Plus an inside look at what the Board does, and a royal suffragist!

Criteria for the Marilyn Perkins Scholarship: 

  • Students graduating in the Spring of 2023 from a public high school in Benton or Franklin Counties, WA.
  • Submission of an essay of 500 words or less on what good citizenship means to the applicant or their personal pathway to good citizenship in a democratic society.

2023 winning essays are attached.  Both winning students were from Connell High School.  

Women Power the Vote logo
Public Statement

WASHINGTON – Today the League of Women Voters of the United States board of directors and the League of Women Voters Education Fund board of trustees issued the following statement in response to federal agents attack on peaceful protestors: 

Image of Connecticut Census Self-Response Map for July 22 2020

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Census Bureau has adjusted it's timeline for Census data collection, moving everything back by about four months. Connecticut is doing better than the national average with self-response, but there are notable gaps between our cities.


Action Alerts

The Mason County League of Women Voters encourages Advocacy via Action Alerts on  issues important to citizens of our Country, States, Counties and Cities.
