

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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Money and Politics
Blog Post

How Citizen's United Will Affect the 2022 Midterms
LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: January 21, 2022
By: Lilly McGee

Providence logo

NEW: a final Ward map (for redistricting) was voted out of the Ward Boundaries Committee and is available online. Special City Council meeting is scheduled for Mon 3/14 @ 4:30 to accept and receive the work of the Ward Boundaries Committee (for redistricting). For more information check out the council's dedicated Ward Boundaries page - https://council.providenceri.gov/ward-boundaries/

Money in Politics

The League's Position

Statement of Position on Campaign Finance, as announced by the National Board, April 2016

Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

The ability to vote for our lawmakers is the cornerstone of our democracy. Access to the ballot box has evolved over time and has, until recently, demonstrated progress toward racial equity. Florida is now eroding the progress we have made toward voting equity. In the 2021 legislative session, Florida passed a law that is expected to suppress voting, especially among people of color. We urge you to get involved. Visit the Florida Redistricting website to submit testimony telling our legislators to give all our citizens a fair chance to choose their representatives. Visit the LWVAC Redistricting webpage for additional information on redistricting.

League members with signs supporting fair redistricting
Blog Post

Redistricting Wrap Up

Submitted by Margo Reeg on behalf of the LWV of LA County ILO

January 27, 2022

LWV or Greenwich CT Logo
Event Date: 
02/22/2022 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Virtual Event

How does ranked choice voting (RCV) work? Will it deliver more representative election outcomes? Does it encourage less contentious campaigning? Is it too complicated? Join LWV of Greenwich to learn more about this important election reform being considered for Connecticut. Hear from a panel of experts who worked to implement RCV in NYC and Maine as well as in states and municipalities across the country. Registration for this event is open to members and the public!

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

CALL TO ACTION: Call your legislators or comment on the Florida Redistricting website now to demand fair maps!

As you know, redistricting is in full swing in the Florida Legislature. Call your legislators or comment on the Florida Districting website to demand fair maps. Here's how and why. Act Today!

People Powered Fair MapsTM is a national redistricting program of the League of Women Voters focused on creating fair political maps nationwide. In Idaho, we encourage civic involvement and participation in the process.

How does the Reapportionment Process Work?

Please watch our video explaining the reapportionment process.
Slide show title page with PIP of female speaker in upper right corner

The League of Women Voters Alachua County (LWVAC) would like to make sure you are aware of decisions being made that may diminish the power of your vote. The Districts for State Senators have already been approved by the Senate and, although they are relatively free of political gerrymandering, Alachua County has been divided into two separate districts. This dilutes our ability to influence state policies and decisions. This video presentation from a recent LWVAC Local Issues Committee meeting provides details and how you can get involved.

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Short videos that our members made that will assist new or interested citizens in navigating the voting process, from obtaining a registration form, early voting and including voting absentee. 

On May 4, 2021 the governor signed legislation that allows anyone on parole to vote in all elections. The final video is addressed to all parolees.
