In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes . . .
I only recently learned that this well-known quote from Ben Franklin was actually only a part of of what he said in a statement about the country's new Constitution:
Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.
- Well, we may not love preparing or paying our taxes, but we know that we need to do it, and if as citizens we chose not to do it, a robust democratic society could not long endure.
- However, like many others, League members also know that our responsibilities to society and our country don’t end there.
- If our society is to work and grow properly, eligible citizens also need to vote regularly – and wisely. In other words, we must be informed voters. That’s where the work of the League comes in.
Making Democracy Work®
The work of the League is “Making Democracy Work.®”
California’s Primary Election is soon coming up, so it’s time to start rolling up our sleeves. Here are some ways you can help to keep democracy working – and to improve the work that:
- Has been done
- Is being done, and
- Will be needed in the future.
Get out the word on Voter’s Edge:
Voter’s Edge California is a free, comprehensive, nonpartisan online guide to California elections covering federal, state, and local races. It is free to both voters AND candidates. For more background, go to: http://votersedge.org/en/ca/page/about-voters-edge
- Right now, Voter’s Edge volunteers all over the state are contacting candidates to invite them to participate and to explain the ground rules. Certain basic information is required of all participating candidates AND candidates are not allowed to talk about other candidates or parties.
- By the time ballots are being mailed in early May, voters can start looking for information particular to their personal ballot, based on the address which they used to register.
- Voter’s Edge also has a version in Spanish.
You can help by telling family, friends and colleagues about Voter’s Edge, and by posting a Voter’s Edge sign in your yard in early May. League members who want a free Voter’s Edge yard sign should contact me (president [at] lwvorangecoast.org) to make arrangements.
Start getting informed:
Access and read the Easy Voter Guide. Prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, the nonpartisan Guide is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. You will find it at: https://easyvoterguide.org/
Volunteer with the League:
In the coming weeks we will be calling some League members asking about how they might like to help, and about specific tasks we need to get done. We are only as strong as our volunteers. Please take the call.
Blog date: April 1, 2022
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Becky Newman