Program Planning 2019-21

Program Planning 2019-21

Welcome to the program planning process for 2019-2021!

↓Additional Materials and Resources↓

Your Response Is Due March 3, 2019

PURPOSE  This is the first step in the process that ends with the adoption of program by delegates to the LWVC Convention in Pasadena, May 30 - June 2, 2019.

The PDF icon Program Planning Kit provides all you need to lead a successful planning process in your local League and ensure that members of your League are heard. Take a few minutes to review it now and refer to it as you prepare for your League’s participation.Program Planning. In the League, this is the process by which we decide where and how we will focus our resources – member time, money, reputation – over the next two years. 

Where will the League have the most impact? What will help build the League name – and help build our organization? We hope many members participate as we address these crucial questions.

What do we want prioritized in California?

We are a grassroots organization. Program planning is one of the ways for all of us to participate in a meaningful way. We all have the opportunity and the responsibility to participate in program planning – to add our voices. 

We want to know your League’s recommendations for Issues for Emphasis in 2019-2021. But before you start your discussion, make sure you’re familiar with what we already know we’re going to be doing! Our kit includes background information about work that we know will be on our plate and a few ideas to start your thinking.

At the LWVUS convention last June, we re-adopted a national “Campaign for Making Democracy Work” program, with a focus on

  • Voter protection and mobilization
  • Election reform
  • Money in politics, constitutional amendment, and redistricting

PDF icon Read more about some of the ways we know we will be implementing Making Democracy Work in California as well as other ongoing work of the League.

At the last LWVC Convention in 2017 we were challenged to make certain the League’s membership and leadership more accurately reflected California’s rich diversity.  We are committed to meeting this challenge.  As you undertake the state and your local program planning process we encourage you to reach out to your entire membership — and to especially target your young members and members of color, and to invite them into the program planning process. 

We urge you to engage with community organizations that represent populations often overlooked, under-resourced, or in need of support.  By listening to others -- sometimes going outside of our comfort zones -- we learn new things, expand our circle, share ideas and common concerns. By building new relationships outside of our usual circle, we take steps to make the League stronger, more vibrant and more effective in ensuring that California is a truly representative democracy.

What’s new about program planning this year?

  • You don't need to review all of the positions! To focus on where we should concentrate our energy in the next two years, we’ve taken some work off your shoulders and removed the traditional questions reviewing each of the LWVC positions. Our subject specialists – the people who guide our work in each of the League positions – will be responsible for regular reviews of our positions. Of course, if you have questions or concerns about any position we definitely want to hear them; email us at advocacy [at]
  • Proposals for new positions via concurrence. There are at least two proposals for new positions to be adopted via concurrence. Your League should be hearing from supporters of each. We’ll make sure to share anything we know about on the lwvc-program-planning+owners [at] (Google group).

If, after reviewing the PDF icon Program Planning Kit, you have questions—or want to discuss your ideas with other Leagues—join us on the LWVC Program Planning Google group. Send an email to lwvc-program-planning-subscribe [at]

You can also join us for a webinar about the program planning process on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. Register here for this opportunity to learn more and have your questions answered.

A strong program planning process leads directly to Convention (May 30 - June 2, 2019 in Pasadena), where we will set priorities from both a policy and a budgetary standpoint. LWVC board members carefully consider the input from League members as they formulate the recommended program. 

Your hands-on work will make a big impact in the League and in our state.

Responses are due by Monday, March 3, 2019.

With gratitude,

Helen Hutchison, LWVC Board President

Helen Hutchison

President, League of Women Voters of California

Kit Materials

Program Planning Listserv

Join us on the LWVC Program Planning listserv. Get answers to all of your program planning questions, the latest ideas, and share resources.


Useful Links

For More Information...

Helen Hutchison, LWVC Board President
hhutchison [at] (Helen Hutchison)
Joanne Leavitt, LWVC VP for Advocacy & Program
Joanne Leavitt
Vice President for Advocacy and Program
Dora Rose, LWVC Deputy Director
drose [at] (Dora Rose)
Deputy Director