Past Events For Washington + the US (LWVUS) + MASON COUNTY

Event Date: 
02/28/2025 - 11:00am to 1:00pm

First meeting of the Welcoming Immigrants to Washington Study Group

growth management
Event Date: 
02/24/2025 - 6:00pm
Event location: 

Mason County Commissioners Chambers

Join the Climate Change Committee for the PAC Meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Update

LWVHC Monthly Meeting
Event Date: 
02/18/2025 - 11:30am to 1:30pm
Topic: Housing Justice                                                                                                                   
growth management
Event Date: 
02/17/2025 - 6:00pm
Event location: 

Mason County Commissioners Chambers

Join the Climate Change Committee for the monthly meeting of the Mason County Comprehensive Plan update.

Event Date: 
02/17/2025 - 10:00am

Third of three consensus meetings on the LWVWA Eldercaregiving Study.

ZOOM link sent to participants prior to meeting

lobby day
Event Date: 
02/12/2025 (All day)

oin voting justice leaders and advocates from across Washington for Democracy Lobby Day 2025 on Wednesday, February 12th.

Event Date: 
02/10/2025 - 1:00pm

Second of three consensus meetings on the LWVWA Eldercaregiving Study.

ZOOM link sent to participants prior to meeting

Event Date: 
02/08/2025 - 10:00am

First of three consensus meetings on the LWVWA Eldercaregiving Study.

ZOOM link sent to participants prior to meeting

LWVW Board Meeting
Event Date: 
02/07/2025 - 11:30am to 1:30pm


Board meetings are currently being held via ZOOM.

All members are invited to attend.  ZOOM link and agenda are emailed prior to the meeting.

Environmental Lobby Day
Event Date: 
02/06/2025 - 12:00am
Event location: 

Olympia Washington

Join us for Environmental Lobby Day 2025, on Thursday, February 6th in-person in Olympia.  Learn how you can take action! There may be an option to participatevia ZOOM Sign up below to team up with other activists.


Past Events Co-Hosted By MASON COUNTY + the US (LWVUS) + Washington

There are currently no past events to display. Check back soon!