Our News and Announcements

Our News and Announcements

Many of the articles here also appear in the quarterly newsletter, The Mason County Voter.  Full copies are available in pdf format on the newsletter page.  




On the 105th anniversary of its founding, the League of Women Voters sent a letter to Congressional leadership regarding the organization’s grave concern over the state of our nation.

"Pros and Cons"

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This op-ed was originally published in Newsweek.

Adam Ambrogi, LWVUS chief of external affairs, Pamela Smith, Verified Voting executive director, and cybersecurity expert Paul Rosenzweig highlight the danger of the current administration's defunding of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 

Blog Post

En tiempos como estos, sus congresistas necesitan escucharle. 

Hay una gran variedad de temas que le afectan a usted, a su familia y a su comunidad, sobre los cuales podría tener que hablar con su congresista ahora

Blog Post

In times like these, your members of Congress (MOCs) need to hear from you. After all, their job is representing you and your interests to the federal government. 

You can speak directly to your MOCs at a “town hall,” meet-and-greet, community event, or their state or district offices. And this is the perfect time to do so. 


This was originally published in the Alabama Reflector.

LWVUS staff member Chelsey Cartwright spoke at a panel in Selma, AL, on expanding voting rights for people with criminal histories.