Register to Vote
Are you registered to vote? Do you want to change your party, your address, your name?
You may register to vote using the New York State Voter Registration Form accessible at the links below. You can complete a PDF version of the New York State Voter Registration Form on-line by clicking on the link below, typing the necessary information and selecting the appropriate boxes. Alternatively, you can print the form to complete by hand.
- Online Voter Registration Portal
- NYS Voter Registration Form - English
- NYS Voter Registration Form - Spanish
Once the form is completed, you need to print the form and sign and date it. Then, mail the form to your county board of elections
Short videos that will help you to register and vote.
Voter Guide Part I and II
Information on voter registration, absentee ballots, deadlines for registration, voting machines and much more. 2024 Voter Guide Part I (English) 2024 Voter Guide Part I (Spanish)
Voter Guide Part II is not being published in 2024.
First Vote, A Guide for New Voters
Your Right to Vote
- College Students
Brochure - Individuals with Disabilities
Brochure - Homeless Individuals
Brochure - Individuals with Criminal Convictions and Those Detained in Jail or Prison
Qualifications to Vote by Early Mail or Absentee Ballot:
Just approved! New York Court of Appeals ruled the state law allowing early voting by mail is constitutional.
- Absent from your county or, if a resident of New York City absent from said city, on Election Day.
- Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability; or because you are the primary care giver of one or more individuals who are ill or physically disabled.
- A resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration Hospital.
- Detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or confined in prison after conviction for an offense other than a felony.
Request a Ballot
- Includes a Portal for Early Mail Ballot Application in English & Spanish
- Includes a Portal for Absentee Ballot Application in English & Spanish
Know Your Voting Machine
Overview of 3 types of Voting Machines
Election Results
Visit the Oneida County Board of Elections and Herkimer County Board of Elections
websites for the latest official election results.
Organ Donor Registry
In 2009, New York became the first state to include an organ and tissue donor enrollment section on voter registration forms. Since inception, over 160,000 individuals have joined the New York State Donate Life Organ and Tissue Donor Registry via voter registration forms. LWVNYS has joined with NY Alliance for Donation to help increase organ donor registrations through the voter registration forms. More Information and Donate Life Video.