The Natural Resources Committee of the League of Women Voters of Falmouth will host a public presentation on Coastal Resilience.
Charles McCaffrey of the Falmouth Coastal Resilience Action Committee will present that group's work on several funded research studies, including the Surf Drive Vulnerability Assessment. The goal of this study is to predict where coastal flooding will come and what infrastructure is at greatest risk, so that various ways of reducing flooding damage may be considered.
Erin Perry of the Cape Cod Commission will present Resilient Cape Cod, an on-line tool the Commission has developed in partnership with several other groups, so that individuals may explore the potential impact of sea level rise at many points around the Cape, and efforts underway to protect these areas in the short and long term. Please join us for this important discussion.
The Resilient Cape Cod project. You can download the presentation at this link: https://barnstablecounty-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/eperry_capecodcommission_org/Ec57s7P0t9BGlHoPReYpd4IBG-5kUQlnEyYO2-E2DhvJ6A?e=DYx8bM.